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Text Bidding has been added to NHL auction in order for you to bid wherever and whenever you’d like directly from your phone. This new feature allows you to place bids, receive bidding notifications, and confirmation notifications directly by text. In order to use this new feature please remember to opt-in within the Text Bidding section of your account to the terms and conditions as well as have your credit card on file.

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Once you have successfully activated text bidding, here’s how you get started:team canada ball hockey jersey

Send “<Text reference number>”;”<bid Amount>” to +19049901334 and your bid will be placed.

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You can get the auction Text reference number from both listing pages and each auction page. Look for the mobile sign!

As an example: Sending NHL123;20 to +19049901334 will place a bid of $20 on auction with Text reference number NHL123.

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